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A smarter way to manage your receipts and documents

Simplify how you work

Upload & track receipts, bank statements and documents!

Scan your document and let our OCR technology handle the rest to save you time by turning them into accurate records in a snap.

Mobile option

Mobile Phone

Quickly snap an image of your receipts or documents with our Neat mobile app.

Email option


Forward your important documents straight from your email.

Scan option


Use a compatible scanner or Neat's virtual printer and import documents into Neat.

Drag & drop option

Drag & Drop

Drag receipts and documents and upload from your desktop into Neat.

Report expenses, manage documents, and much more!

Neat File Management Screenshot

Save time and get to what matters

  • Access real-time visibility into expenses, spending, sales, and income tax for easy filing and reporting.
  • Avoid manual data entry with Neat's patented technology that accurately extracts key information from your document.
  • Upload receipts and documents securely with your mobile device or scanner.
Learn more about Neat's features
waste time searching for important documents
more efficiency in searching for files
file protection from natural disasters
Join over 2 million small businesses
who have trusted Neat services

Customers love Neat!

It makes budgeting, tax preparation and documentation on my spending so easy. I have been a neat receipts user for over ten years and only once had a problem that the service dept. worked on quickly and efficiently.

Patricia M.

20 years of security and data protection

In tech world years, two decades equates to centuries. With that experience comes a deep knowledge of data security. Because we use the highest standard of bank-level encryption, your data is kept secure from any breaches.

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