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Tax Time

Three tax tips to help you get ahead

“In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” – Ben Franklin Ben Franklin famously stated that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. But as we find ourselves in the new year, with tax time quickly approaching, you can go ahead and add stress to that list. Even though we know […]

January 21st, 2020Tax Time

surviving IRS audit with no receipts
Surviving An IRS Audit Without Receipts

While not having copies of your receipts is not ideal if you’re being audited, there are things you can do to prove your expenses to the IRS.

April 17th, 2019Tax Time

20 percent pass through deduction
Independent’s guide to the 20 percent pass through deduction

As an independent, freelancer or 1099-er you may have been keeping a close watch on tax time this year as there are some significant changes to business tax code that could put extra money in your hands this year. If you can’t implement these tips this year, make sure you use them going forward so you can maximize the pass-through deduction in future tax years.

February 28th, 2019Tax Time

2018 business taxes
Making Sense of Your 2018 Business Taxes

Part of winding down any calendar year includes preparing and filing your 2018 Business Taxes. Due to recent changes to the tax code, navigating tax filing as a small business owner can be confusing. Here, we’ll discuss the particulars of how to navigate filing your 2018 small business tax return.

February 1st, 2019Tax Time

important tax deadlines
Important Tax Deadlines for filing 1099s

Here, we’ll lay out some important deadlines for W-2s and 1099s to keep you and your business compliant, and avoid the fees levied on business owners who fail.

January 16th, 2019Tax Time

benefits of a receipt scanning app
How a receipt scanning app can save time, money and pain come tax time

Small business owners have a lot on their plates, especially at the beginning of the new year. All too often small business owners face the nightmare scenario of having to cull together a quarter or year’s worth of business expenses. Here’s how a receipt scanning app can alleviate this and other issues in a number of ways.

January 8th, 2019Tax Time

Ghost saying BOO!
Top five small business tax mistakes that can come back to haunt you

It’s fall and Halloween is upon us, so who doesn’t like a good scare?  Well…when it comes to tricks and treats, small business tax prep doesn’t sit well in the trick category. When doing your taxes, there are plenty of different methods that can be used to create the most favorable outcome possible for your specific […]

October 22nd, 2018Tax Time

maximize small business tax deductions
How to maximize small business tax deductions

Tax time can be daunting for all small businesses and here at Neat, we know that to be true. As we move out of the summer into Q4, many small business owners are starting to think about closing out the year.  It’s a good time to begin getting your small business organized so that the beginning […]

August 24th, 2018Tax Time

How the 2018 tax reform act will impact small business

Small Businesses Need to Keep Detailed Records Under 2018 Tax Reform Act With the government introducing a new tax act in 2018, small businesses will need to familiarize themselves with a couple of differences that may affect their operations. The new tax act is generally viewed as a win for many small businesses, but the […]

April 11th, 2018Tax Time

Getting the most from your small business tax deductions

As a small business owner, you are the backbone of the US economy and should get the most from your small business tax deductions.  As tax day rapidly approaches, millions of small business owners, independent consultants and 1099 employees around the country will be scrambling to find as many tax deductions as possible to ensure […]

March 22nd, 2018Tax Time

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