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Easy-to-use free payment request & invoice templates

What’s more rewarding than doing great work and getting paid?

Our payment request templates are messages curated by us from our blog post. The free invoice template is blank and ready for your branding. The template will automatically calculate your line item totals, taxes, and then sum it all up for you.

One quick save and your templates will be email ready.

Try Neat's Invoicing Tool

Invoicing + File Document/Receipt Management + Financial Reporting

Start Invoicing Today

Neat's full suite platform offers a 30-day money back guarantee

How to use this invoice template

Every cell in this invoice template is editable. Avoid modifying any field that has a formula to ensure proper tax and total calculations.

Step 1

Insert all your business information in the top right corner. Click the “Insert your logo” box to change the picture to your logo.

On the left side, insert your customer’s information.

Step 2

Enter your billable items. If you bill hourly, enter the number of hours under “QUANTITY” and then your hourly rate.

For project, milestone, or product billing, enter the cost of the item sold in the price column and how many that your customer purchased in the “QUANTITY” column.

Step 3

Add the tax rate in the last column for your billables so the template can calculate the total amount with tax for your line items.

The template will total every line item in the “TOTAL” section.

Step 4

Add any note you wish to send to your customer in the “NOTES” section. Perhaps a thank you message and a list of accepted forms of payment.

Step 5

When you’re ready, save your template, name it something descriptive with a timestamp, your business name, and your client’s business name (e.g. ConsultingInvoice 10-14-21 Neat ABCCompany).

Attach the invoice to an email and send! If you use Neat’s Invoicing, this part is done for you.

Invoice Template

Neat – Even easier than invoice templates

Neat is an invoice tool that not only sends invoices directly to your customers but also has a ton of features that help you get paid and save you time.


Invoice reminders

Send professional reminders to your customers to ensure you get paid on time.


Discounts & tax calculation

Add tax or discounts to your services and products quickly.

Custom Branding

Custom branding

Make your invoice represent your company with custom colors, logos, and branding.

Invoice templates vs. Neat

 Invoice TemplateNeat
Direct emailing to clientsNot IncludedIncluded
Invoice remindersNot IncludedIncluded
View invoice receiptsNot IncludedIncluded
Send invoices from a mobile deviceNot IncludedIncluded

Try Neat's Invoicing Tool

Invoicing + File Document/Receipt Management + Financial reporting

Start Invoicing Today

Neat's full suite platform offers a 30-day money back guarantee

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